Directly from us - Exclusive conditions for bulk buyers

Would you like to buy REYTAN VODKA directly and in larger quantities? We offer customised offers and exclusive conditions for bars, restaurants, hotels and other bulk buyers. By working directly with us, we not only guarantee you the best prices, but also personalised service and fast delivery. Contact us directly to find out more about our special conditions and discounts.

Cooperation with specialist retailers and specialist markets

REYTAN VODKA is a high-quality product that fits perfectly into the range of specialist spirits retailers and specialist markets. We offer customised packages and support you with promotions and tastings to boost sales. Our experience in sales and marketing will help you to realise the full potential of our vodka in your business.

Customised solutions for the catering and hotel industry

We offer solutions specially tailored to the needs of the catering and hotel industry. Whether for bars, restaurants, clubs or hotels – REYTAN VODKA enriches every drinks menu and impresses with its exceptional quality. With our customised offers and flexible delivery options, we support you in offering your guests an exclusive taste experience. Contact us for customised packages and attractive conditions that perfectly suit your business.

Support for events and activities

Give your events and activities a special touch with REYTAN VODKA. Whether corporate events, trade fairs, festivals or private celebrations – our vodka provides that certain something and will be remembered by your guests. We offer special conditions for event organisers and are happy to provide you with the required quantity of vodka. We also support you with advertising materials and promotional campaigns to make your event unforgettable.

Our partnership with the company Hafenstadt Hamburg

We are proud of our partnership with Hafenstadt Hamburg, a leading distributor of high-quality spirits in Germany. Thanks to this collaboration, you can find REYTAN VODKA in selected bars, hotels and restaurants. Hafenstadt Hamburg stands for excellent service and expertise in the world of spirits and ensures that our vodka finds its way into the best locations.

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